What is coaching - and how does it help you?
Jan 26, 2021
(By Eldad Ben-Moshe ✨ Reading Time: 6 minutes)
Loved ones ❤
How can coaching help? How do I help?
I've been asked this question a lot.
And I get it: "Coaching" is a very vague term.
There are different types of coaching (for example, executive, life, and business coaching) each aimed at helping individuals achieve specific goals and improve their personal and professional lives.
That's why friends, family, and even people who don't know me have been curious about what I do as a coach.
So it's time I answered that…
What is coaching about?
What does it do for you?
But to do that, I'll first talk a bit about you About us.
As humans, we can cope with many things, and usually, we feel like we're doing ok.
But sometimes, we lose our way.
Sometimes we feel that we need help getting through a difficult time, or we are not living up to our potential.
We may feel that we are not living our lives as we would like.
These feelings can lead to suffering, anger, stress, anxiety, guilt, fear, shame, and more.
No matter what you are dealing with, a good coach can help you move past your challenges and live your life in a more positive and fulfilling way.
Let's remove the masks and be honest: Life can be challenging.
It was true before COVID, and certainly now.
More and more people are asking for help - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
But again, it was true even before.
We can't avoid it, but we can begin to deal with it in a proactive way that will help us deal with life better, feel better,
and prevent the damage it can do to our lives and those around us.
That's where I help.
And this is how:
- Identify the root cause(s) of your suffering, the cause of your problem.
- See the many forms it shows up in your life and how they're all connected to that exact root cause(s).
- And then introduce you to simple, practical, doable solutions that actually work to help you solve the problem - and its root cause.
This is what I do with my coaching clients.
This is what I can do with you, too.
I can help you learn how to deal with life in a mindful, healthy way that really works to create transformation - in the short and the long term.
I can help you make positive changes that will improve your life and help you become a better person and a better member of society.
I can help you to become the person you have always wanted to be.
With my years of study, practice, coaching, and teaching, I developed a unique, highly individualized coaching method that helps you take control of your life, rather than be controlled by it.
Through coaching sessions, I can help you deal with painful emotions and destructive beliefs in a mindful, healthy way;
Help you transform your life through spiritual and psychological teachings and practices, modern and ancient, from the east and the west.
I understand that life is a challenging, complex, and often painful experience.
I understand that all of us sometimes need help finding our way back to our center in order to live a happier, better, more awakened life.
It happens to me too, of course.
People have been taught things such as,"Life is unfair", "You've got control over nothing"
Our fears even tell us at times terrible stories such as "You don't deserve to be really happy", "You're not good enough", “You don't matter", "You're not needed”...
"If you're not #1you'ree nothing”, “If you're not special enough, you won't be loved", “if you're not fun enough, you won't be loved"...
“If you're not in control, you won't be safe”, "If you don't have enough, you will not be safe”...
"You'll never be safe", "You'll never be loved", and "You'll never be enough".
You must learn how to deal with this voice.
You must learn how to deal with such destructive beliefs in a mindful, healthy way.
Because what you believe will become your fate.
Not because you'll manifest it, but because your belief is the lens through which you look at things, interpret them, and "understand" them.
How you feel and how you act comes from your belief.
And don't get me started on the “manifestation" of a better life…
Our ego wants to believe things like, "You can manifest a great reality, you can have everything you want".
It wants the magic pill, the fast, easy solution, the control, to be all-powerful - and it thinks the cause of the problem is outside.
It thinks, '‘If things were different if I would have more money, more health, get married, have children, the job of my dreams, the business of my dreams, traveled the world… then I'll be happy'’
It's called the ego's plan for salvation, and it never works.
It never works because when you get what you want, there's always more And it never works because it never solves the real cause of your suffering, the real problem. That's not the way.
Instead of believing your fears or illusions, it might serve you better to learn what is your part in creating your suffering - and how you can stop doing that.
You'll be surprised to know how much of it is an inside job, how much of it you do to yourself.
You'll learn to distinguish between the voices in your life, find your authentic self's wise, loving guidance, and learn to identify it, trust it and follow it.
You'll learn to develop self-awareness, gain new insights, and use them in your daily life.
The beauty in learning all that is that it's all super-practical.
In fact, that's precisely the point: using information, experiences, and practice to create transformation.
A grounded, healthy, spiritual & psychological growth is possible.
Our many success stories of grateful clients prove that.
You don't have to believe your destructive beliefs that ruin your life.
You don't have to keep acting out destructive patterns of behavior.
Instead, you can use my unique coaching method that focuses on the core of what's causing you pain.
It also provides a powerful toolkit to help you transform your relationship with yourself, others, and the world around you into a place of love, compassion, and freedom. You'll learn - and put to practice - tools and skills for dealing with painful emotions and destructive beliefs, such as the Enneagram, meditation, A Course in Miracles, and my very own B-AIR™.
I'll teach you how to deal with the core of the problem so that it doesn't come back again and again. I'll help you change your basic patterns of thinking and behavior so that you will have more mental, emotional, and spiritual control over your life. It's an approach that helps you change the way you think, feel, see, and act. It's the most powerful thing you can do for yourself.
You'll be happier, healthier, more peaceful, and more fulfilled – and you'll let your authentic, wise, loving self lead the way without being led by painful emotions or destructive impulses & beliefs.
Life will probably never be “perfect" but it can be so much better.
Yes, work is involved, and yes, it is a process.
Any '‘marketer'’ on the planet will tell me not to say that, but that's the truth.
Since I don't believe in magic pills or convenient illusions, my coaching sessions are a great fit for people who are serious about personal growth and self-discovery.
You'll learn how to help yourself - and others - find happiness and meaning in life by exploring and understanding your spiritual and psychological world.
- Exploring and understanding who you are, where you choose and react from, and what makes you act, feel, and be the way you are.
- And most importantly - how to deal with what's destroying your life, and have more of what makes you really happy.
You can have that.
You deserve that.
And your loved one will thank you for doing that - as will your heart, your soul, and your authentic self. It's time for your better, happier, more awakened life.
To your better life,
with tons of 💖
Eldad Ben-Moshe
Founder, Teacher, and Coach
Better Life Awareness Center
One of my secrets for helping my clients see such great results is that I'm deeply committed to helping people find a more fulfilling life; I'm passionate about helping people learn how to deal with painful emotions and destructive beliefs in a mindful, healthy way. I've been doing that in my own life since 2005 I keep studying and practicing it daily ever since In other words:
I don't just teach it or coach with it.
I live it.