đ The ultimate guide to A Course in Miracles: What is it, what does it teach - and what must you know about it?
Feb 03, 2021
(By Eldad Ben-Moshe â¨)
When Helen Schucman and William (‘Bill’) Thetford, two professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University, were having a hard time in their professional relationships, Bill awakened to the realization that ‘there must be another way.’
And as Helen agreed to join with Bill to find that other way instead of holding on to their grievances, they have given Love their “little willingness,” as A Course in Miracles (ACIM) calls it.
Soon after, a voice told Helen: “This is A Course in Miracles. Please take notes”.
7 years later, in 1972, the entire course was scribed and typed; and in 1976, A Course in Miracles - the result of those dictations from Jesus - was published, with the help of Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, Robert Skutch, and Judith Skutch Whitson.
Since then, it was translated into 27 languages (and counting) and practiced by millions of people worldwide: The book’s printed version sold well over 3 million copies.
By now, it is considered one of the most influential, transformational & practical Spiritual texts.
But it goes far beyond that, as it is a psychological AND spiritual text.
This is crucial, as in western cultures, combining psychology and spirituality is by far a more effective approach for personal and spiritual awakening.
Most westerners will never dive into complete and total surrender to a guru -
even if they have a fantasy of doing so.
Westerners, by and large, seem to benefit more when their path includes not only devotion, love, and spirituality - but also mental understanding, changing habitual patterns of behavior and thinking, and seeing proof - in their own lives - that the message can be trusted.
Thus, A combination of spiritual AND psychological teachings and practices - such as A Course in Miracles provides - is the perfect fit for many of those who are shaped by western culture.
In this Ultimate Guide to A Course in Miracles, I answer the most common questions I get asked about A Course in Miracles, and shed light on this life-changing course, dubbed “a modern spiritual classic.”
1. How was A Course in Miracles written? Who is the author?
Helen and Bill are not claiming to be the authors.
You will not find their names on the cover - or anywhere - as the authors of the book.
Instead, they give all the credit to “the voice” that dictated the course to Helen.
Helen is named the ‘scribe’ of the course, and “the voice” is the author.
That voice is said to be the voice of Jesus.
However, whether that is true or not, I choose to focus on the message rather than the messenger (and it doesn’t matter who that messenger is - I have nothing but love for Jesus, even though I’m not Christian).
But it’s not just me -
it’s the course itself that tells us that’s it’s not about Jesus the person.
It tells us that in two ways:
- Generally - as it states it is using words and terms as symbols:
“...words are but symbols of symbols. They are thus twice removed from reality.”
- A Course in miracles, Manual For Teachers - What Is The Role Of Words In Healing?According to ACIM, all words are symbols - including the word ‘Jesus.’
When I say or read the word ‘Jesus,’ I think of the man I heard of,
and I see his face as I have seen it in paintings and sculptures.
But in ACIM, Jesus is used as a symbol of Love (sometimes referred to as God’s love).
To read more about this point with further elaboration and examples, check out #2 here:
Jesus Christ! Can it be that A Course in Miracles teaches the opposite of Christianity? - And specifically, when ACIM talks about Jesus:
"The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol.
But it stands for love that is not of this world.
It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the
many names of all the gods to which you pray.
It becomes the shining symbol for the Word of God, so close
to what it stands for that the little space between the two is lost,
the moment that the Name is called to mind"
- A Course in miracles, Manual For Teachers - Does Jesus Have A Special Place In Healing?It’s a specific form of a general principle:
Words are symbols of symbols, and so is the word Jesus.
If you were born in India, or you follow Hinduism,
you might have done the same practices ACIM is suggesting -
but with different names.
Shiva or Krishna instead of Jesus;
Ram, Rama, or Brahaman instead of God.
You would have offered your judgment, anger, etc. to Kali instead of
giving it to the Holy Spirit, and so on.
It’s all about essence, never about the form.
The form changes, but the content of the universal course stays the same.
So who is the author of A Course in Miracles?
“love that is not of this world.”
2. What is the goal of A Course in Miracles?
“The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.
It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s Presence, Which is your natural inheritance.”
- A Course in miracles, Text, Introduction
The course’s goal and purpose are to help us ‘wake up’ from the dream we’re dreaming.
In this dream, we are separate, individual selves, separate from each other and God/Love.
In this dream, we forget who we are and identify with specific dream figures (our body and personality-based identity).
The course helps us remember and wake up to the reality of ourselves as the dreamer of the dream, which is referred to as “The Son of God” (which, of course, has no body or gender and is a symbolic-metaphorical phrase).
The reason is simple:
Life as a body, in this world, is far from perfect. Yes, it has incredible moments.
But compared to the perfected Love, oneness, happiness, and peace that are our “natural inheritance” - and reality - outside the dream...
Compared to that, life in the dream, life as a separate individual, is considered a life of suffering.
That is why all spiritual paths have enlightenment, nirvana, or moksha, as their end goal, their ‘big promise.’
It is a state of perfect peace, perfect love, perfect freedom, perfect oneness, etc. - and no suffering.
In the course, such a state of enlightenment is called “salvation” since it uses Christian symbols.
But it’s just a different form of the universal course.
3. How does ACIM accomplishes its goal?
The course is a book of 3 parts:
The text, which is the theoretical or metaphysical part;
The workbook, which has 365 daily lessons, or practices;
And the manual for teachers - a clear, concise, questions-and-answers style section which brings much clarity into the course’s long, sometimes hard-to-understand, text.
This way, the course combines theoretical understanding with practical exercises, all designed to help us change our beliefs and perceptions, which are “the blocks to the awareness of love’s Presence”, to use the quote mentioned above.
The course’s primary tool in doing that, alongside the workbook’s exercises, is Forgiveness.
But just like many other terms it uses, Forgiveness in A Course in Miracles means something very different from what we usually mean.
Properly used, forgiveness is a tool for psychological and spiritual growth.
It’s not just for feeling better with ourselves and in our relationships,
as important as that may be.
“No gift of Heaven has been more misunderstood than has forgiveness."
-A Course in Miracles, The Song of Prayer, 2.I.1:1
Throughout the entire course, there is a distinction between 2 thought systems:
That of the ego, and that of Love.
The course makes that distinction between Love’s and the ego’s thought systems when it comes to Forgiveness as well.
The course calls the ego’s forgiveness “forgiveness to destroy,”
and Love’s forgiveness “forgiveness for salvation.”
At its core, the ‘normal’ forgiveness in our world, which is the ego’s
‘forgiveness to destroy,’ says this:
You have wronged me (‘sinned’).
And I forgive you for being so bad or wrong.
I forgive you for your ‘crime’ or ‘sin.’
But this is such a gift to our ego:
Not only am I the judge that knows right from wrong (unlike you, who have wronged me), but I’m also so generous and merciful since I forgive you.
And as a spiritual bonus,
this kind of forgiveness also strengthens the belief that we are separate.
Our ego could not have asked for more.
The course, on the other hand, helps us shift from the ego’s forgiveness (‘forgiveness to destroy’) to Love’s forgiveness (‘Forgiveness for salvation’):
“Through your forgiveness does the truth about yourself return to your memory.
Therefore, in your forgiveness lies your salvation…
forgiveness is a gift to yourself.
Your goal is to find out who you are, having denied your Identity by attacking
creation and its Creator.
Now you are learning how to remember the truth.”
Forgiveness in that sense can be understood as remembering:
remembering “the truth about yourself... having denied your Identity”.
It is also remembering the truth about anyone else, God, and reality.
Forgiveness distinguishes truth from illusions by leading to remembering who you are, and who you are not.
Forgiveness, as remembering, leads to waking up from the ego’s delusional stories to the truth. In that, it leads to the course’s goal:
Waking up to our reality and to experiencing “love’s Presence, Which is your natural inheritance.”
Experiencing the perfect peace, perfect love, perfect freedom, perfect oneness, etc. - and no suffering - that the course and all major spiritual paths speak of.
In the course, such a state is called “salvation,” and as the quote above says, “in your forgiveness lies your salvation”.
To read more about love’s forgiveness vs. the ego’s forgiveness and what forgiveness really means in A Course in Miracles, check out this article:
Love’s forgiveness Vs. the ego’s forgiveness: Forgiveness as a practice for a happier, better life.
4. What does A Course in Miracles teach? What are the principles of the course?
Well, it teaches a lot, that’s for sure!
And it will be impossible to really dive into it in 1 article:
The book has over 600 pages of theory (“the text”), 365 daily exercises (“the workbook”), and a manual for teachers...
That’s 1200+ pages of teachings and exercises.
That’s a lot...
It’s one of the reasons I created an online workshop about it - and even then, with those 8 hours of videos, there’s always more to say...
But it strikes a good balance between giving you the necessary principles and not overwhelming you with too much information.
It even includes tips and tools for making your practice so much more effective - and some pretty incredible bonuses.
But I won’t leave you without saying anything, my friend...
I’m not that kind of guy.
So, to pick on one aspect of it:
The course teaches that God created The Son - which is all of us, and it’s a metaphor, not to be taken literally.
Like all spiritual paths, The course speaks of that which is beyond words and beyond our brain’s ability to understand.
Keeping in mind that Jesus is a symbol for “love that is not of this world”, and that “the son of God” in ACIM is all of us, not just Jesus, let’s answer this question with the words of the course itself:
"There is a course for every teacher of God.
The form of the course varies greatly.
So do the particular teaching aids involved.
But the content of the course never changes.
Its central theme is always, “God’s Son is guiltless,
and in his innocence is his salvation.”
It can be taught by actions or thoughts;
in words or soundlessly;
in any language or in no language;
in any place or time or manner…
This is a manual for a special curriculum,
intended for teachers of a special form of the universal course.
There are many thousands of other forms,
all with the same outcome.
They merely save time."- A Course in miracles, Manual For Teachers - Who Are God’s Teachers?
Let’s break it down:
- “God’s Son is guiltless” -
The concept that sin does not exist is a key teaching of the course.
Yes, we all make mistakes.
Yes, some people do terrible things.
But sin, as something that says you’re guilty of a terrible thing and God will send you to hell about, does not exist.
That is both because as the Son of God, we are not these people, these bodies and personalities that are doing all these ‘sins’ that can bring guilt, judgment, and condemnation (remember that the course aims at helping us remember who we really are);And because God is Love, and as such, it is only loving.
He does not judge, not condemn, and doesn’t send to hell.
He did not create hell either, and hell doesn’t exist.
Now, you might be asking, ‘So is the course saying I can do anything because there is no sin and no punishing God?’The answer is simple: No.
We are encouraged by ACIM to choose love and to see the divine/Christ in everyone - things that will cause us to also act in a good, loving way to each other.
Having said that, A Course in Miracles does not use a story about a judging, angry, dangerous God to make us behave well - unlike what some religions and other paths might be doing...
Instead of fear, ACIM uses love.
If we follow the course’s ways, we will realize who we really are, who everyone really is as the holy, guiltless, sinless son of God (metaphor & symbol, mind you).If I look at you and see Divine Love, Christ, God, Buddha, whatever you want to call it, what will I offer you but love?
And if I remember that I am Divine Love, Christ, God, Buddha, whatever you want to call it - what will I do, what will I give, what will I teach - but Love?
- “in his innocence is his salvation.”-
As we’ve seen before, Forgiveness is the course’s main tool for us to use, and in ACIM, forgiveness means remembering who we are, what is real, etc.
In A Course in Miracles, remembering your innocence means remembering who you are as the sinless, holy, “Son of God” who never left God;
Therefore, remembering your innocence - as opposed to the ego’s stories of sin, guilt, and fear - is the key to ‘salvation,’ or enlightenment;
The key to the experience of perfect peace, perfect love, perfect joy, and the end of suffering.
It is the big promise of all spiritual paths - and of A Course in Miracles as well. - “This is a manual for...with the same outcome.”
I love the course’s humility and honesty here.
This course is never saying it is ‘the one true way.’
Instead, it tells us there are thousands of other ways and that they all even have the same outcome, and that this course is just a special (meaning: specific) form of the universal course.
Not only is it humble, but it also stands in line with all the course’s teachings about the importance of essence rather than form.
Whether you’ll use this course or another form of the universal course does not matter at all.
What matters is that you wake up to the truth of who you are, who everyone is, and what’s really going on, and be the love that you are in truth. - “They merely save time.”
By teaching you that you are not your body, not your personality, not a sinner, not separate from Love or God;
By teaching you how to remember that, how to deal with your choice to believe the ego’s false stories about who you are and what happened;
By giving you practical, actionable, transformational practices in the workbook;
By reminding you that Love is always in your mind, at least as a memory of God’s love (referred to in the course as the Holy Spirit - remember, symbols!);By its loving words, wise guidance, heart, and soul opening meditations...
By all of that and much more, A Course in Miracles helps you “save time” - and wake up to an experience of perfect love, perfect peace, perfect joy, perfect oneness.
“This is the Voice of truth, replacing everything that the ego tells you about yourself with the simple truth about the Son of God.
You were created by Love like Itself.”- A Course in miracles, Workbook, Lesson 67
5. What are miracles in A Course in Miracles?
Miracles in the course are not some magic tricks happening in the world. In fact, nothing in this course is about what’s happening in the world.
And miracles are all about the inside as well - not the outside.
This is a course in changing our beliefs and perceptions, in waking up from the dream to reality.
And a change of perception, mind, and belief - from the ego’s story about reality to the truth - is what the course calls a Miracle (while stating that such miracles are completely natural).
Here are a few examples with the words of A Course in Miracles itself:
“By perceiving the Spirit, they [miracles] adjust the levels and see them in proper alignment. This places the Spirit at the center”
- A Course in Miracles, Text-1:30 (HLC), Principles of Miracles
"Miracles are examples of right thinking.
Reality contact at all levels becomes strong and accurate, thus permitting correct delineation of intraâ and interpersonal boundaries.
As a result, the doerĘšs perceptions are aligned with truth as God created it."- A Course in Miracles, Text-1:37 (HLC), Principles of Miracles
“A miracle is a correction factor introduced into false thinking by me [Jesus, as a symbol of Love that is no of this world].
It acts as a catalyst, shaking up erroneous perception, and reorganizing it properly. This places man under the Atonement principle, where his perception is healed. ”
- A Course in Miracles, Text-1:38 (HLC), Principles of Miracles
“The miracle forgives; the ego damns.
Neither need be defined except by this.”- A Course in Miracles, Manual For Teachers,
Clarification of Terms: The Ego - The Miracle
Undoing current beliefs and having new,
sometimes completely opposite beliefs instead,
involves a change of perception.
A Course in Miracles calls such change of belief and changes of perception-
from false ones to a correct one -
A Miracle.
The problem is in our mind - and therefore the solution as well.
As the course says, “This is a course in cause and not effect.” (- A Course in Miracles, Text-21.VII)
To learn more in-depth about what miracles mean in ACIM, check this.
6. So who created the world, then?
No one. Not this world, at least.
God created what is real, and while it is beyond words, as God is too, it is described as a state of perfect oneness.
On the other hand, this world that we call reality is an illusion, a dream.
It is the projection of a thought in the mind of the Son of God (as a metaphor for our true identity). That thought is more or less:
“what would it be like if perfect oneness didn’t exist, and instead I would have individuality;
What would it be like to be a separate, individual self?’
That thought, the thought of separation, of breaking perfect oneness, is called in ACIM “the tiny, mad idea”:
“Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which
the Son of God remembered not to laugh”
So while we are encouraged to avoid negating our experience that this world is real, as this is not a course in denial...
“The body is merely a fact in human experience....
However, it is almost impossible to deny its existence. Those who do so are engaging in a particularly unworthy form of denial. The term “unworthy” here implies simply that it is not necessary...”
A Course in Miracles still tells us the truth, as its goal is to help us wake up from illusions to the truth.
It is a psychological-spiritual course that aims at awakening, liberation, salvation.
It helps us change - or undo - our false beliefs about ourselves, others, reality, God, and others, as these are “the blocks to the awareness of love’s Presence, Which is your natural inheritance.” (- A Course in miracles, Text, Introduction).
“Nothing at all has happened but that you have put yourself to sleep, and dreamed a dream in which you were an alien to yourself...
The miracle does not awaken you, but merely shows you who the dreamer is. It teaches you there is a choice of dreams while you are still asleep, depending on the purpose of your dreaming.”
- A Course in Miracles, Text, 28.II
7. Is a course in miracles a religion? Is it based on any religion? Is it Christian?
No, no, and... no.
It is not a religion.
It has no institute, no churches, no priests, no formal establishment to rule them all, dictate, and give verdicts.
There are no priests, no pope, no chief, no leader, no ranks.
And it is not based on any religion.
In fact...
Despite using Christian terminology, ACIM surprisingly offers the opposite of the Christian doctrine, or at least the opposite of the religious, commonly accepted, non-mystical understanding of Christianity.
A Course in Miracles uses Christian symbols as a metaphor, yet it is almost the opposite of Christianity the way Christianity is commonly practiced.
It also gives a different meaning to common Christian terms.
It is a spiritual and psychological path, not a religious one.
Here’s a detailed, in-depth explanation all about that:
Jesus Christ! Can it be that A Course in Miracles teaches the opposite of Christianity?
8. Is A Course in Miracles telling us to worship Jesus?
Certainly not.
We saw above that Jesus is but a symbol for love that is not of this world:
"The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol.
But it stands for love that is not of this world.
It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the
many names of all the gods to which you pray.
It becomes the shining symbol for the Word of God, so close
to what it stands for that the little space between the two is lost,
the moment that the Name is called to mind"
- A Course in miracles, Manual For Teachers - Does Jesus Have A Special Place In Healing?
It’s a specific form of a general principle:
Words are symbols of symbols, and so is the word Jesus.
In the Clarification of Terms, the course even says that Jesus the man was an illusion - just like all bodies are:
"The man [Jesus] was an illusion, for he seemed to be a separate being, walking by himself, within a body that appeared to hold his self from Self, as all illusions do...
And Christ needed his form that He might appear to men and save them from their own illusions."
- A Course in Miracles, Clarification of Terms, 5. Jesus-Christ, 2
It then goes on to speak of how Jesus is just another form of the essence that can be called Christ, and all those forms are one (as everything is one):
"Helpers are given you in many forms, although upon the altar they are one. Beyond each one there is a Thought of God, and this will never change. But they have names which differ for a time, for time needs symbols, being itself unreal...
Is he [Jesus] God's only Helper? No, indeed. For Christ takes many forms with different names until their oneness can be recognized."
- A Course in Miracles, Clarification of Terms, 5. Jesus-Christ, 1+6
Keep in mind it’s just a specific form of the universal course, and other forms switch the word Christ with terms like Buddha.
This course is about the essence, not the form. It completely discourages worshipping any specific form, any specialness, any separation.
It uses Christian symbols, such as Jesus, to teach the universal course.
And it specifically tells us to look beyond the symbols, not to get stuck on them or worship them:
"Remember, then, that neither sign nor symbol should be confused with source, for they must stand for something other than themselves.
Their meaning cannot lie in them, but must be sought in what they represent."
9. How can I study A Course in Miracles?
ACIM was originally published as a book, and it can be used as a self-study book, but it can also be studied with friends or within groups.
Since then, it also became available online as well - you can find the free online version here. đ
I personally studied in both ways.
I can testify that both have their advantage:
Self-study keeps you independent and can make you learn to go inside for answers rather than outside.
A good group with a good facilitator can show you things you might not have seen yourself.
That’s even more important when we remember that the text is long and sometimes hard to understand.
A good group with a good facilitator also helps you get started, stay on track, gain momentum and add more fun interactions.
And, of course, a good community goes a long way and is an important piece in many spiritual paths.
A Course in Miracles is an extremely practical course;
Alongside an impressive, profound, and transformational theoretical framework (“the text” part of the course), it offers 365 daily exercises in its Workbook.
As the course is saying, the theoretical framework makes the exercises meaningful, while the exercises bring the change the course aims for:
"A theoretical foundation such as the text provides is necessary as a framework to make the exercises in this workbook meaningful.
Yet it is doing the exercises that will make the goal of the course possible.
An untrained mind can accomplish nothing.It is the purpose of this workbook to train your mind to think along the lines the text sets forth."
You can begin from any of the 3 parts of the book:
The text, The workbook, and The Manual for Teachers (which is not for ‘formal'/'approved’ teachers of the course - there’s no such thing).
The order doesn’t matter.
Having said that, while some resources can be very helpful in understanding the course’s theory, nothing can replace doing the exercises in the workbook.
I would suggest keeping that in mind when deciding where to start.
10. Do I need to buy A Course in Miracles?
Not at all!
đ Here’s a free, online version of the entire course đ
It’s easy to use, comfortable, well designed, and works great on mobile devices as well.
11. What’s the best version of ACIM to study?
This really depends on personal preferences.
Most people are even not aware that there are different versions due to the editing process of the book.
This article can shed more light and help you decide which version might fit you best.
12. What’s your personal experience with ACIM?
The short answer is in the facts:
I’ve been studying and practicing A Course in Miracles since 2005, and I keep doing so daily to this day (I’m writing this in 2021... and I’ll keep updating this post, so if you see these words - I’m still practicing and studying daily!)
I also teach the course - in person and online.
And I also use it in my coaching sessions.
I’d say I love it :-)
And that either it brings my clients and me real, wonderful results, or I’m not so smart to keep using it and teach it and coach with it all these years... (pssst... it’s option #1).
More specifically, it helps me - daily - overcome my ego’s stories, my fears, my frustrations, my grievances;
It helps me have much more peace, joy, and love in my life;
It helps me be a more loving person;
It helps me be more connected to my authentic self, my divine guidance, the Love/God/divine that is in everything and everyone;
It makes me really happy to practice and study.
I met amazing people in my Course in Miracles communities throughout the years;
it brought people into my life that became life-long dear friends.
And as the course says, I smile more often...
13. How do I know if ACIM is for me?
A Course in Miracles is a psychological-spiritual path immersed in Love.
It brings joy, peace, love, understanding of self and others, spiritual connection to the divine and your inner guidance, and spiritual & psychological wisdom.
If you are interested in any of those - I’d advise you to give it a try.
After all, you’ll never know how the water feels until you jump inside, and you’ll never know how the mango tastes until you take a bite.
Your other alternative to trying is to guess...
Here’s where you can access the entire course for free -
in an easy to use, comfortable, well designed online version which works great on mobile devices as well.
14. It sounds so interesting! Where do I start?
Here’s the link to the free online version of the entire course:
You can access all 3 parts of the course directly from the top menu:
Each part has an easy to use fast access menu:
And you can have the entire course in a convenient, easy to use...
.... and easy to read way, anywhere you go!
15. I don’t want to do it alone - where can I get more help and guidance?
I’ve created these 2 unique resources just for that:
1. “My Salvation Comes From Me - So Why Isn’t It Happening?” is our celebrated, life-changing online workshop that teaches you the main pillars of A Course in Miracles’ framework, and gives you practical tips on how to make the most of your practice so that you’ll see better results, and faster.
This workshop also answers the question “why, despite all my learning, practicing and devotion, has full and complete enlightenment (a.k.a “salvation”) didn’t happen to me yet?”
Access the “My salvation comes from me” online workshop here.
2. The Better Life Miracles Membership Club is your on-demand, ever-growing Course in Miracles video library with new videos every month.
Questions-and-Answers sessions, in-depth topic exploration (a 4 videos series about Healing & Sickness is already there!), workbook lessons explained, interviews, more tips for better practice, and more and more and more...
You’ll even help us choose what videos to do next!
It’s all about getting your questions, needs and interests answered.
Access the Better Life Miracles Membership Club here.
Both of these resources come with access to our private, safe, exclusive community of students and practitioners of A Course in Miracles.
So there you have it:
“The Ultimate Guide to A Course in Miracles: What is it, what does it teach - and what must you know about it?”
Pretty neat, huh?
I hope you liked it and that it helps you with your spiritual and psychological awakening.
I hope you’ll enjoy all the resources I’ve sprinkled throughout this article, and especially the free online version of the entire course.
Feel free to leave comments and ask questions -
in the comments section below or through our chat/email/social media channels.
We love this course, we love the Better Life Awareness Center community (and any guest who reads these words...), and we’re here to help!
To your better life,
with tons of đ
Eldad Ben-Moshe
Founder, Teacher, and Coach
Better Life Awareness Center