Stressed? Worried? Can’t sleep? People are calling these 4 simple steps “a mind saver in all situations!”
Apr 28, 2020
(By Eldad Ben-Moshe ✨ Reading Time: 4 minutes)
Loved ones ❤
Do you sometimes get so worried that you can’t even sleep?
A new coaching client of mine shared how now that his business of many years is completely closed, he can’t sleep well.
He had a business in the tourism industry and had to close because of the COVID pandemic.
“My mind is constantly thinking, trying to find a way to make a living, and I can’t sleep,” he said.
Not being able to sleep is just one form of how stress, anxiety, fear, and worry can show up.
You might be sleeping perfectly well, but in your waking hours, you might be nervous, edgy, quick to anger, etc.
So how can you deal with all that?
As we're forced to face the unknown in these times of uncertainty, many of us get worried and stressed, and a clear, peaceful mind is essential more than ever.
While I can’t go here as deep as I go in coaching sessions, here's an easy, fast, yet profound and super-effective 4 steps system that immediately brings relief, and then helps you deal with the root cause of your problem.
This simple system helps your mind and body get out of emergency-survival-crisis mode, quiet your mind, gain clarity, connect to your guidance and power, and make healthier, better decisions.
Sounds like something you'd want?
Here’s what you need to do -
4 quick, simple steps:
1. Breathe
Before anything else, take 10 full, deep breaths.
The inhale and exhale should be of roughly equal length.
Breathing calms us and creates a buffer between what happens and our reactions so that we can respond consciously instead of reacting automatically.
“Breathing has to be the first step.
It is the step that allows the rest of the process to happen.
It is the buffer between automatic, unconscious, destructive reactiveness and conscious, mindful, healthy response.”
- From The Ultimate Guide to B-AIR™ (free downlaod here).
2. Acknowledge
Check your thoughts and feelings.
Notice what it is that you are feeling and say to yourself: ‘I am _____.’
This can be done in your mind or be said out loud.
For example, if you find that you are angry, say to yourself: ‘I am angry.’
“You must acknowledge the problem first, so that it can be solved”
Acknowledging shifts my awareness from what happened outside of me and what I think about it (my judgment about it), to what I feel.
For example, my coaching client didn’t even think he was worried until he saw that in our coaching session. He thought he is just thinking of ways to make a living.
He didn’t realize that it keeps him awake at night because he is worried about it.
If you don’t know you’re worried, you will not even try to solve it since you don't acknowledge the problem.
“Acknowledgement is super important.
It is the most underestimated part of the process, and probably the step we want to avoid the most (which is why we underestimate it…), as it turns our focus from the outside to what’s inside, and demands extreme ownership and radical responsibility.
In return, it brings us back to our power.”
- From The Ultimate Guide to B-AIR™ (free downlaod here).
3. Investigate
In step 2 you’ve acknowledged that you are feeling ________ (for example: lonely, angry, frustrated, etc.).
Now, investigate that feeling by asking yourself these 3 questions, in the following order:
1. Why am I feeling ________? What caused it?
2. What would have made me happy rather than ________?
*if you are investigating fear, worry, etc., use future form since fear is always about the future: What will make me happy rather than afraid?
3. Why would that make me happy rather than __________?
Using this investigation, though it may seem simple, you will dive into the causes of your suffering and the way your mind works.
You will find profound, timeless truths about your pain and suffering in this step. Here’s a tiny preview - one of the few I can expose before you do the work, before you experience this process yourself:
“The difference between pain and suffering is this:
Pain is an inevitable part of life, and there is nothing we can do about it. Suffering is optional, unnecessary, and is completely within our control - It is an inside job, we create it ourselves.Therefore, we can also stop it ourselves.
We do not depend on anyone or anything other than ourselves for that. God doesn’t need to do anything, people don’t need to change, the Messiah doesn’t need to come.
We are the only ones that create our suffering - and we are the only ones that can stop it.
No one ever took away your peace of mind.
It was always you who did it.
It's an inside job.”
- From The Ultimate Guide to B-AIR™ (free downlaod here).
🛑Spoiler alert:
Doing step 3 all the way, you'll find that there is one reason for all your suffering!
Can you guess what it is?
(You can find the answer here. But don't cheat, do step 3 first!)
4. Respond
Once we’ve investigated and seen what is going on in our minds and understand how that creates our suffering, it is now time to respond to the thoughts and beliefs that created our suffering. This is an internal conversation. In a way, we are talking to our minds.
Speak to it compassionately, like a wise adult lovingly guiding their small, fearful child.
We tend to think that we react to what is happening and that we are rational, reasonable, and right… But in fact, there is a chain reaction that is happening in our mind, behind the scenes:
Event->Belief->Perception->Emotion->Reaction .
When we do the 4 steps process, we can see what really happens in our mind and respond mindfully instead of reacting automatically.
This helps us make better choices, live a better life.
“If I use the B-AIR system, once I feel triggered I can Breathe and calm down, Acknowledge I am feeling frustrated, Investigate why I am feeling frustrated, and Respond to my mind- thus releasing my resistance to the way things happened.
After that, I am able to speak to you from a calmer, wiser, less reactive place instead of yelling at you, or I could do the dishes with a more calm, peaceful mind instead of cursing you in my mind as I wash them.”
- From The Ultimate Guide to B-AIR™ (free downlaod here).
Practical Actionable Steps - From Information to Transformation:
We will always have hard times. It’s simply a part of life, and no one gets to live without experiencing them.
But doing the simple 4 steps above can help you deal with life’s hard times in a mindful, healthy manner.
How do I know?
I know because these 4 steps (Breath, Acknowledge, Investigate, Respond) are the 4 steps of my B-AIR™ system.
It helps you quiet your mind, gain peace and clarity, connect to your guidance and power, and make healthier, better decisions.
And it gets rave reviews from clients and users.
It was also recognized for its unique content by the U.S. copyright office.
As life forces us to deal with the unknown in these times of uncertainty, a clear, peaceful mind is essential more than ever.
I was able to share the B-AIR™ system itself here,
but to help you fully understand it and use it better,
I wrote a guide with examples and explanations,
which I'm happy to offer you for free.
You can download the full B-AIR™ guide for FREE here.
It doesn’t get more practical and actionable than the B-AIR™ system.
To your better life,
with tons of 💖
Eldad Ben-Moshe
Founder, Teacher, and Coach
Better Life Awareness Center
Life is a journey of learning together, learning from each other.
You don’t have to do it alone.
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