The review for today covers the following ideas:
1 (73) I will there be light.
I will use the power of my will today. It is not my will to grope about in darkness, fearful of shadows and afraid of things unseen and unreal. Light shall be my guide today. I will follow it where it leads me, and I will look only on what it shows me. This day I will experience the peace of true perception.
2 These forms of this idea would be helpful for specific applications:
3 (74) There is no will but God's.
I am safe today because there is no will but God's. I can become afraid only when I believe there is another will. I try to attack only when I am afraid, and only when I try to attack can I believe that my eternal safety is threatened. Today I will recognize that all this has not occurred. I am safe because there is no will but God's.
4 These are some useful forms of this idea for specific applications:
- Exact phrase
- Any part of the phrase
- All parts of the phrase
- Entire Course
- Text
- Workbook
- Manual For Teachers
- Section Number
- Number of Results (Ascending)
- Number of Results (Descending)